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Learn about our visiting hours, responsibilities and how to find a patient.

Blanche River Health (BRH) recognizes the important role family and friends play during a patient’s hospital stay.  BRH is responsible to ensure the safety of all patients, staff, physicians and visitors while acknowledging that visiting and essential care giving efforts are vital to the overall physical, emotional and psychological well-being of individuals who are required to be in hospital for a period of time.

BRH supports visitation for inpatient visits as follows:

1)  All inpatient (acute, long stay patients, palliative care patients etc.) – Unlimited number of visitors during visiting hours; however, only two (2) permitted at a time. 

2)  Children - unlimited visits for two (2) parents/care partners for each admitted child.  Child is considered birth to 18 years of age.

3) End of Life - unlimited visits for two (2) visitors at a time- immediate family members e.g., spouse or children (may have more than two family members identified).

4)  Critically ill or sudden decline in status - Two (2) visitors for critically ill patient or patient with a sudden decline in status.

Our visiting hours are daily from 11:00 am to 19:00 pm.

BRH supports visitation for outpatient visits as follows:

  • Limited to one (1) essential care partner to accompany a patient to an outpatient appointment. This includes the emergency department, diagnostics, specialist clinics and OTN appointments.

Essential Caregiver and visitors must:

Monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID or any other infectious illness prior to each visit. Rapid antigen COVID tests are available for those who wish to test. Do not visit if you have any signs and symptoms of COVID; test positive for COVID or have any other infectious illness.

Wash hands with hand sanitizer when entering and leaving the hospital and the patient room.

Wear a mask at all times while in the hospital.

If the patient is on isolation, wear the isolation clothing provided. (e.g., mask, eye protection, gown and gloves)

Go directly to and remain in the patient’s room for the duration of the visit. Do not visit with other patients.

Observe the visiting hours for the area you are visiting.

Respect our patients’ right to privacy and leave the patient room or care area when requested by hospital staff.

 Be considerate of the rights of other patients and our staff by treating them with courtesy and respect.

Refrain from eating or drinking in the patient’s room.

Refrain from using the patient’s washroom.

Refrain from bringing personal belongings into the patient’s room.

Refrain from smoking anywhere inside our facilities and only in designated areas outside of our facilities.

We strongly recommend that visitors be fully vaccinated.

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